Scheme Color

Scheme Color

By Roberto Antonio Campusano Acosta

Score: 4.70967
From 31 Ratings


“Scheme Color” — the predecessor to “Coloring Studio” — is a resource you cannot ignore. This App is a synthesis of the best practices of color theory that presents a one-of-a-kind collection of color schemes available for anyone to use. It was created as a guide to make it easy for users to control moods and aesthetics from a color stand point. It is powerful. It contains 80 carefully chosen schemes and gives you the ability to make the right choice of color combinations every time, for any occasion, without guesswork. It is based on the 24 section color wheel and presents an extensive assortment of moods and feelings. To be competitive, more than ever, the marketplace demands excellence and professionalism when it comes to color choices in creative work. Your competition has resources that gives them advantages in the marketplace and so should you. Get an edge in life, get “Scheme Color”. Color Schemes by Name and Mood ************* Yellow 01. Moving 02. Elegant 03. Affluent Gold 04. Likable 05. Refined 06. Nice Amber 07. Welcoming 08. Effective 09. Tasteful Gamboge 10. Affable 11. Amiable 12. Personable Orange 13. Friendly 14. Enticing 15. Heartfelt Tangelo 16. Charismatic 17. Pleasing 18. Agreeable ************* Professional 19. Professional 20. Professional ************* Vermilion 21. Vivacious 22. Lively 23. Earthly Scarlet 24. Passionate 25. Emotional 26. Intense Red 27. Powerful 28. Romantic 29. Rich Rose 30. Sweet 31. Girlish 32. Sensual Magenta 33. Energetic 34. Spirited 35. Zestful Mulberry 36. Reserved 37. Subdued 38. Tamed ************* Professional 39. Professional 40. Professional ************* Purple 41. Spectral 42. Mystical 43. Magical Violet 44. Charming 45. Endearing 46. Delightful Blue-Violet 47. Pleasant 48. Adorable 49. Regal Indigo 50. Distinguished 51. Classy 52. Prestigious Blue 53. Classic 54. Sublime 55. Dependable Azure 56. Pure 57. Angelical 58. Quintessential ************* Professional 59. Professional 60. Professional ************* Cyan 61. Refreshing 62. Tropical 63. Equatorial Spring-Green 64. Happy 65. Tender 66. Luscious Green 67. Fresh 68. Viridescent 69. Traditional Harlequin 70. Invigorating 71. Cool 72. Brisk Chartreuse 73. Rejuvenating 74. Uplifting 75. Healthful Lime-Green 76. Perky 77. Sober 78. Trendy ************* Professional 79. Professional 80. Professional *************




    By Americanito
    “Scheme Color” is a masterpiece… It is so original and relevant. Indeed, it does fill a big void in time and space for those us wanting to master the art of color picking for home decoration, interior design, websites, painting, art, architectural design, graphic design. Welcome to our lives, “Scheme Color”. You are much needed. If you want to create and control moods and feelings using color, this is the application for you. Look no further, this is ir. 💡
