Smart Cash Smart Calculator

Smart Cash Smart Calculator

By Mudarmeen Munlin

  • Category: Finance
  • Release Date: 2019-09-30
  • Current Version: 1.37
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • File Size: 9.38 MB
  • Developer: Mudarmeen Munlin
  • Compatibility: Android, iOS 9.0


-Instant cash balance. -Keep track of daily cash in hand for iOS 9.0 and above -Personal Account -Daily spending, expense, income. -Add, Edit, Delete, Search. -Export/Import to/from iCloud. -Up to date Instant balance. -Saving account for kids and others. -Personal stack calculator for student. -Binary Operator: +, -, *, ÷, Mod, x^y -Unary Operator: √, x!, 1/x, log10, %, Clear, Del -Memory: M+, M-, MC, MR -Auto display decimal point. -Continuous computation after equal button. -Support iPhone SE. -Save and restore view. -Copy result to clipboard. -Backspace button to erase last digit. cash features: -quick expense, income and balance. -Instant positive cash balance in blue and negative cash balance in red. -Tap + to insert new expense or income. -Choose date and time from the date picker. -Enter item name, item amount and item note. -Tap item type: Expense or Income. -Tap Add Item button to insert new item. -Tap ViewAll to display all items in tableview. -Income items display in blue, expense items displays in red. -Quick search items, enter any keyword to search item. -Swipe left to delete item or select item then tap delete button. -Tap Share button to export data for backup. -Tap Import button to restore data from backup. calculator features: -equation string, e.g. 1+2x3-4÷5.0-.2+1+2^5 = 39.0 -compound operators and precedence +, -, x, ÷, ^, e.g. 1+2x3÷4-5 = -3 1+2x3÷4.0-5 = -2.5 2^10 = 1024 6--5x3 = 21 -use parenthesis ( ) as highest operator precedence. e.g. (3+6)x2-3÷2 = 17 -long press to copy result and paste to other app, e.g. 17.0+2x3-4x5÷6+7-8x9÷5+6x7-5 = 50.0 -Integer operation, e.g. 11÷2 = 5.0 -Floating point operation, e.g. 11.0÷2 = 5.5 11÷2.0 = 5.5 -perform x^y, e.g. 2^16 = 65536.0 -perform square root, e.g. √625, tap √ , tap 6 2 5, tap = , result: √625 = 25.0 -compute %, e.g. to find 5% of 300. tap 5, tap %, tap x, tap 3 0 0, tap =, result: 0.05x300 = 15.0 -compute logarithm base 10, e.g. log1000 tap log, tap 1 000, tap =, result: log1000 = 3.0 -compute factorial, e.g. 5! tap 5, tap !, result: 5! = 120.0 -compute inverse of x or 1/x, e.g. inverse of 25 tap 25, tap 1/x, result: 1/25 = 0.04 -compute area of a circle with radius 5, e.g. tap 2, tap x, tap Pi, tap x, tap 5, tap =, result: 2xPix5 = 31.4159 -Continuous computation, e.g. to compute 7.5% of 800 then add by 1000. tap 7.5, tap %, tap x, tap 800, tap +, tap 1 000, tap =, result: 0.075x800+1000 = 1060.0 -Tap share button to share the result of the computation to other apps. -Tap M+ to add result in memory -Tap M- to subtract result in memory -Tap MC to clear result from memory. -Tap MR to recall result from memory. Note: -Operators (, ), +, -, x, ÷, and ^ can combine into a long equation string. e.g. 17+2x3^2-4x5÷6.0+(7-8)x9÷5.0+6x7-5 -Computation follows operator precedence, e.g. 1+2x3-2^3+1 = 0.0 2x(3+4)÷3.0+5 = 9.666666666666668 -Operators !, % and 1/x can only be used in a single operation or first operator in mixed operation, e.g. 5!, 6%, but not 2 + 5!, not 20 + 5% -can use as first operator, e.g. 5! + 2, or 5% + 20 -Mod operator can not be mixed with other operators. -Mod usage: to compute 34 mod 5, e.g. tap 3 4, tap Mod, tap 5, tap =, result: 34 Mod 5 = 4.

