

By FantasyPlus

  • Category: Games
  • Release Date: 2013-11-13
  • Current Version: 3.6.5
  • Adult Rating: 12+
  • File Size: 801.31 MB
  • Developer: FantasyPlus
  • Compatibility: Android, iOS 11.0
Score: 4.59729
From 221 Ratings


●●●十載爭霸,城堡新篇,感恩有你一路相伴!●●● 納齊亞大陸的全新篇章神棄之地已經拉開序幕,現在就與全球領主們一同加入全新的挑戰吧!群雄爭霸,各顯神通,從零開始養成你的英雄,只有掌握英雄培養策略和戰鬥技巧的能力者才能擊敗BOSS,獲得最終的勝利!還有全新龍族英雄咒腐惡龍降臨納齊亞,邀你一起攜手並進,共同開啟一場冒險新征程! 城堡爭霸是款快節奏的戰爭策略遊戲,你將扮演一名領主,建設你的城堡來發展壯大自己的實力,並率領你手下的英雄,利用強大的魔法,去征服敵人的城鎮。建立起屬於自己的恢宏帝國,最終成就不朽偉業,書寫你的華麗篇章! 【遊戲特色】 - 多樣化的城鎮升級規劃路線,將你的城鎮打造成不破堡壘! - 英雄時裝強化,讓您的英雄兼具美貌與實力! - 極簡的操作,絢麗而強大的魔法,在你的指尖凝聚,為你摧毀一切阻礙。 - 招募各具超凡能力的英雄,經過戰鬥的磨礪,他們將為你建立不朽功勳。 - 在競技場中與其他玩家的英雄一分高下,爭奪最強霸主的稱號。 - 全新塔防玩法神棄之地,從零開始養成英雄,制定戰鬥策略擊敗史詩級BOSS。 - 全新魂器系統,使你的英雄擁有強大的戰力。 - 多樣的皮膚和時裝系統,帶來豐富的視覺體驗。 - 爭奪聖火、搶佔據點、聯盟爭霸,爭奪皇城,只為獲得無上榮耀。 - 和好友揪團組隊,團結合作共同挑戰多人副本。 - 同仇敵愾,全服合作一同抗擊湮滅將軍來襲。 - 開啟萌寵紀元。在細心的培養下,它們將在戰場上一展風采。 - 挑戰大師副本,贏得史詩英雄。 - 誰能制霸全服?全新的PVP系統-世界王者,等你來戰! 注意!本遊戲需要網路連接。 【訂閱禮包】 自動訂閱的商品價格$4.99/月。這個商品玩家購買後可以在生效期內每日領取以下獎勵: 聲望*10000 英雄水晶*1 活動幣*1 寶石*500 注意事項: 1. 您的iTunes帳戶將在確認訂閱付費時產生費用 2. 您的訂閱將會自動續訂,除非在當前訂閱服務結束前的24小時前取消續訂服務 3. 在當前訂閱服務結束前的24小時內,您的帳戶將收到下一次訂閱的購買與價格確認 4. 在訂閱後,您可以在您的蘋果帳戶設置中取消您的訂閱的續訂服務 服務條款:https://policies.fantasyplus.game.tw/view/?id=9 【相關資訊】 台灣代理商 : 幻想娛樂科技股份有限公司 《Facebook》:http://www.facebook.com/CastleClashTw *本軟體依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔12級,內容涉及暴力(人物打鬥)、性(遊戲角色穿著凸顯性特徵之服飾)、不當言語。 *本遊戲為免費下載,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。 *請注意使用時間,避免沉迷於遊戲。



  • Won't allow me to open game

    By I love Bebe
    Since the past updates every time I try to open this game on iOS it immediately crashes. Please fix this. I love this game
  • Bug

    By Poppa load
    The crash bug still right there, on the ios8.4.1
  • Cannot enter the game

    By Teddy689
    since the last update (1.7.3) on july 18, I cannot enter into the game anymore. I thought that with the new update (1.7.4) on july 25, the issue would have been fixed, but nope. Please fix it, thank you.
  • Very bad game 😔

    By Omar Mowdhah
    This is the worst game in the world, they do not give you the technical support needed to solve your problems, and this problem in all servers! If the time in the problem does not wait for them to resolve because they will not do so, I try to communicate with them from more than 3 months, and was not resolved my problem or look at them, and did not respond to any of them! They do not care about the user, he is just a clueless customer that is not helped after purchasing!
  • Broken rolling

    By Jack Coji
    Broken rolling system...
  • Great!!!!

    By Slmochie
  • Love it😋😄

    By Saphiredy
    Cool game butt hard to get the heros you get lame heros and cool. My brother gets cool heros but I get lame heros. And my 7 year old brother jest got the game and he got the best hero ever!!!!!!! I want it😭. But besides the heros I thank the game is good.
  • Add kurdish languages

    By Taha AFSana
    WoW 👌🏻👀
  • I love castle clash!!!

    By Castle clash is OP
    I love castle clash!!!
  • Lol

    By EvanB4fun
    I love this game, but I also love how when I was looking through reviews not one Japanese comment was in the list. That's just funny to me, but anyway it's a great game. If you like this go check out the English version which you can actually read 😝 but this is mostly used by advanced players who don't need to look at text to know what the thing is that they are seeing.
